洪 拳 學 社
Hung Kuen Academy
Hong Kong
Many of the systems of Chinese Kung Fu can be traced back to one or more of the five main styles – Hung, Lau, Choy, Li and Mok – named after their founders. Most have changed considerably over time.
However of the five, the HUNG GAR style has remained to this day in its essentially traditional form and content. Although there may be some slight variances between schools, traditional HUNG GAR is essentially consistent with what has been passed down over time.
Chiu Wai Family Lineage
- Wong Fei Hung 黃飛鴻1847-1924
- Lam Tsai Wing 林世榮 1860-1943
- Chiu Kau 趙教 1895-1995
- Chiu Wai 趙威
- Chiu Wai & Son Chiu Kwok Kei 趙威 & 趙國基
- Gam Bok Yin 金博賢
Hung Kuen Academy Hong Kong
洪 拳 學 社
The Hung Kuen Academy Hong Kong (洪 拳 學 社) was established in Hong Kong in 1996 by Gam Bok Yin (金 博 賢) as a branch of the Chiu Wai Family Style of Hung Gar.
『南拳』是指流傳在長江流域名長江以南地區的各拳術門派統稱。其中較具代表性的五大名家為洪、劉、蔡、李、莫等五家,而少林洪家拳則被推為五大家之首, 馳譽嶺南一百多年,為正宗南少林的一大分支。現今所流傳的洪拳體系十分之多,主要的有兩個支派,一為古老的稱老洪拳,二為黃飛鴻林世榮支流的虎鶴洪拳。而套路方面主要的有工字伏虎拳、虎鶴雙形、五形拳、及鐵線拳。其實洪家拳能成為一家喻戶曉的名門大派之一,其所傳承相習的套路不下數十種,而所有的拳套皆為古人的心血結晶的結合,智慧的財產,故較一般人為所熟悉。